New Private Studio

Over the last 7 years I’ve been tatting in NYC I’ve always made it my business to have a location in an up and coming by area in Brooklyn. All my clients know the pride I take in my space, I’ve always had the rare pieces and all around mystique a tattoo parlor should have. Then the pandemic hit followed by the recession, as to be expected times are changing not only in the tattoo industry the world as a whole. So it was time to once again make changes, my new location is low key and out the way and I’m no longer a walk in shop. Here at the new studio I like to focus on private appointments only where I get to work on more creative pieces and dig a little deeper into serious projects like portraits, back pieces, sleeves etc. All without a lot of extra energy flowing in and out just the 1 on 1 giving me more time to bring out my best in each piece I’m working on with minimal interruptions. Personally I feel like over the last few months the new place has brought out some of the most beautiful work in my entire career. Makes me wonder, maybe roses still do grow from concrete….


#Salty’s Back


Portraits I’m (Finally Picking A Lane)